Sutherland Shire Schools Music Festival


Please also refer to the rehearsals information page and evening performances information page for detailed information relating to rehearsals at The Pavilion Performing Arts Centre.

JUNIOR CONCERTS - Item students

Half-day technical/dress rehearsal and matinee performance

The technical/dress rehearsal (Rehearsal 3) is from 9:00am – 12:00pm, followed by a matinee concert from 1:00pm – 2:30pm at The Pavilion Performing Arts Centre, Sutherland. This rehearsal and matinee concert are the day prior to the evening concert (except for a Friday rehearsal and matinee, which are followed by a Monday evening concert).

Important rehearsal and performance information for junior concerts

Please download and distribute a copy of important rehearsal and performance information to all teachers concerned at your school (this will be available closer to the festival).

SENIOR CONCERTS - Item students

Full day technical/dress rehearsal

The full day technical/dress rehearsal (Rehearsal 3) is from 9:00am – 2:30pm at The Pavilion Performing Arts Centre, Sutherland. This rehearsal is the day prior to the evening concert (except for a Friday rehearsal, which is followed by a Monday evening concert).

Important rehearsal and performance information for senior concerts

Please download and distribute a copy of important rehearsal and performance information to all teachers concerned at your school  (this will be available closer to the festival).

ALL ITEM TEACHERS - Rehearsal information

Item teachers must attend the technical/dress rehearsal, particularly for dance items, so that appropriate liaison can occur with the lighting and audio-engineers at the rehearsal. The DoE requests that teachers and staff demonstrate a duty of care to students on excursions. This includes a teacher/student ratio of at least one teacher per 30 students. Item students MUST be supervised at all times during the dress rehearsal and the evening concert. If a dance/band teacher (not a DoE teacher) trains the students, the school must make arrangements for a regular teacher from that school to supervise that group.  Item students should bring books and quiet games as they are required to be quiet throughout the rehearsal and performance and be under direct supervision at all times. NO student mobile phones in the dressing rooms.
Label all props with school, item and concert number. These items need to be taken home after rehearsal and returned for the evening concert.
Backup USBs for music for items are required and should be labelled with school name, concert number, track number and whether the track has tags before and/or after. It is vital that backup USBs are easily and quickly accessible from the item teacher by the stage manager if needed during rehearsals and performances at The Pavilion.

Student school bags are discouraged as there is limited storage space within The Pavilion. It is recommended that dance costumes/accessories be brought in a large plastic tub with a lid, clearly labelled with your school’s name, so that students need only bring a small bag with their lunch and drink.

Under no circumstances are students to change in or out of costumes in the corridors of The Pavilion. We do not have exclusive use of the Pavilion and there may be members of the public sharing some facilities, including bathrooms.

All item students are needed in the finale singing “Walking on Sunshine” along with the combined choir. Please see your choir teacher for words, music and actions.

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